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Health Benefits of Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is arguably one of the most popular superfoods available, perhaps even more so in supplement form. You can enjoy this superfood—made from the young leaves of triticum aestivum (aka wheat—in its natural state (raw), as a powder, within tablets or capsules, and crushed into juice.

As you may know, there are many other popular superfoods on the market including barley grass, beets and beet grass juice, spirulina, and blue-green algae. Yet, there’s something special about wheat grass, which is often called “green blood” by many. It may just be that it’s more nutritionally rich, as 70 percent of its chemical composition is chlorophyll complex.

Chlorophyll is known for a host of possible health benefits. Early research shows it may help clear acne from the skin of young adults, reduce the symptoms of hay fever, improve recovery from shingles, reduce cancer lesions, and even lessen the pain associated with pancreatitis and the recurrence of skin cancer.

water color painting of a shot of wheatgrass juice with multiple wheatgrass benefits listed: boost immune system, detoxifies the liver, improves digestion, cleanses and saturates blood, normalizes hormone and blood sugar levels, boosts metabolism, and improves digestion.

Wheat Grass Nutritional Benefits

As impressive as the benefits of chlorophyll are, the other nutrients within wheat grass are believed to have even more nutritional power and potential healing properties. Proof of these benefits is preliminary, however, and it’s important to remember that wheatgrass is not a miracle cure.

That being said, the research about wheatgrass shows promising results to ease symptoms, support healing, and even cure certain illnesses.

To understand wheat grass’ superfood qualities, consider the following nutritional info:

  • Vitamins: A, C, E, multiple B (especially B-5).

  • Minerals: Iron, zinc magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, and selenium.

  • Other: Protein, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Wheat Grass Health Benefits

The array of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in wheat grass combine to add a powerful boost to your overall health and wellness. Of course, you don’t want to use it as a replacement for fruits and vegetables in your diet.

As the name says, a wheat grass supplement is exactly that—a dietary addition. When taking a wheat grass supplement, or any supplement for that matter, it’s most effective as part of a well-balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables, and other key elements.

Here are just some of the benefits of wheat grass:

A mason jar filled with dark green wheat grass juice
  • It contains 17 amino acids, including eight that the body can’t produce on its own

  • It boasts antioxidants that prevent cell damage that leads to heart disease, cancer, and more

  • Wheat grass juice contains 297 proteins that are important to combat a variety of diseases

  • It’s low in calories and can serve as a healthy snack or replacement meal (especially when combined with other food, like fresh fruit or vegetable juices)

Wheat grass may support weight loss, too, as a small study indicated that wheat grass helped reduce lipids and fats

The Potential Benefits of Wheat Grass

Although there are ongoing studies about the health benefits of wheat grass, it’s important to note that they are small studies and their results are not definitive. As more research continues, there are increasing reports on the potential benefits of wheat grass. Consider the following research into this superfood’s impact on certain health conditions.

A woman in front of a yellow background surrounded by different forms of wheat grass: smoothie, juice, fresh grass sprigs, etc.

Treat Ulcerative Colitis

One small study involved participants who had ulcerative colitis, and they were asked to drink one half-cup (100 ml) of wheat grass juice each month. The researchers found that their rectal bleeding and overall disease severity were lessened at the end of the study. The findings were replicated by other researchers, and those results may help scientists combat several serious health and medical conditions. Those include the development of “prolonged stress, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune conditions and even clinical depression.”

Lessen Side Effects of Chemotherapy

There are many studies that show cancer patients who regularly consume wheat grass had reduced symptoms from chemotherapy. One study author wrote: “Wheatgrass has the potential to mitigate a number of different chemotherapy-induced damages. Moreover, wheat grass constitutes no adverse effects comparable to chemical drugs. Hence, it has a potential to be used as a cheap, non-toxic supplement to standard chemotherapy.”

Fight Infections

Test results revealed that wheat grass may slow or even kill some infections including streptococcal (better known as “strep”) and those resulting from dental work. The hope is that further research will show how wheat grass can treat those with allergies to certain antibiotics. It could potentially also combat antibiotic-resistant infections.

Control Blood Sugar

Preliminary animal studies show that regular consumption of wheat grass resulted in lower blood sugar levels. The author of one study wrote: “The present study clearly concluded that ethanol extract of wheat grass possesses the ability to control blood glucose in diabetes. Its antihyperglycemic and free radical scavenging property has potential to prevent diabetic-associated complications.”

fresh wheat grass growing in a clear tray so you can see the roots of the grass.

Other Benefits of Wheat Grass

Would you want to eat 5 pounds of raw vegetables each day? Probably not. What about  two ounces of wheat grass juice? According to researchers, you can enjoy the same health benefits of that same amount of raw veggies by simply drinking that small amount of wheat grass juice.

Not only that, but wheat grass has twice the amount of vitamin A as carrots. And if you happen to eat certain fruits for the perks of vitamin C, you may be happy to learn that wheat grass has a high concentration of vitamin C, too.

fine wheatgrass powder and fresh wheat grass clippings

Despite all these great benefits, it’s crucial to remember that there are no definitive studies that prove wheat grass has healing properties. Small studies and user comments are the basis for most of this buzz

Ready to Try Wheat Grass for Yourself?

A bottle of Sweet Wheat wheatgrass powder capsules tipping into someone's hand over a wooden table.

If you’re interested in trying wheat grass, but are concerned about growing it or eating it raw to reap the benefits, you don’t have to worry. Sure, you can grow it or eat it raw if you want, but note that wheat grass has a very strong and pungent taste. The good news? Consuming wheat grass doesn’t need to be a gross chore. Wheat grass powder, tablets, juice, and other supplements are more palatable and more convenient to take.

But supplements can vary in quality. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate wheat grass and other nutritional supplements, because they actually classify them as food. That allows supplement manufacturers in the United States to use the wheat plant in various ways to create their product. It’s for that reason that you need to carefully read a product’s ingredients.

At Brightcore, our Sweet Wheat® wheat grass juice powder is a popular, high-quality choice. Our powder is 100 percent organic, 100 percent pure, and freeze dried to preserve the heat-sensitive enzymes and nutrients. Plus, it’s vegan, non GMO, gluten free, and soy free.

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